Minggu, 30 Juni 2013

Things To Do In Bali 9

9th Things To Do In Bali 

is Visiting Bukit ( Mount ) Jambul

Things to do in Bali 9A

Bukit Jambul Bali or Jambul Mountain in Bali is ones of the best tourism object in Bali and recommended as things to do in Bali. Known as a tourist destination due to the harmonious combination between the amazing hills, rice terrace, valleys and the beautiful of ocean view. 

 Things to do in bali 9b

Which Part of this Mount Jambul must be visited ?

From the highest part of the mount Jambul,  we can enjoy the natural beauty below this lovely mountain. If you vacation or visit and participate to Besakih Bali Travel, you will pass through this location, it is easy to stop by while enjoy your lunch. 
 things to do in bali 9c

Where is Bukit Jambul Location ?

Bukit Jambul or Jambul Mountain in Bali is located in the traditional village called Pesaban, Nongan village, Rendang district, Karangasem regency, Bali. Bukit Jambul attraction is located 8 km from Klungkung regency, 51 km from Denpasar or 15 km from the Pura Besakih or besakih Temple. This place is located on the border between Klungkung and Karangasem regency, then as informed earlier, if we want to visit or tour to Besakih Temple through Klungkung, we will automatically pass through Bukit ( mount ) Jambul.

things to do in bali 9d 
As a stopover place, which is at an altitude of 500m above sea level, Bukit Jambul or mount Jambul has quiet cool weather with fresh air, as well as presenting a very beautiful natural scenery. From the above we can see a stretch of hills and valleys with a mix of rice acreage terrace. Our eyes are also pampered with a sea view as seen from above. And from a distance it we can see the Nusa Penida island chain. A truly must things to do in Bali for your Bali Holidays.

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Things To Do In Bali 8

are Enjoying 

1. SeaWalker Bali


SEA WALKER Bali is a memorable experience when you are Walking beneath the water, twiddling with plenty of fish in vast species, Coral plantation, explore the ocean.

Personal Seawalker Bali Experience

I would love to share some of my experience: Once you got into the sea, automatically you feel like on the plane with a little unwell in each of your ears but there are trick or tips to unravel this by move your jaw left - right, you may close your nose by your hand or breathe as much as possible ( to be sure, no water will come into your head helmet ).

Directly i felt and imagine that I am a space traveler, why ? attributable to very little gravitation, restricted element and sometimes you need to jump if you want to move away to other places.

But overall, the foremost vital issue is you'll see, though and play with plenty of fish with vast species. Amazing things to do in Bali....!

Absolutely, memorable experience and you must to try this lovely activities to completed your Bali Holidays on this paradise island.

1. Pantunan Valley view

The beauty of Pantunan Valley - good for Bali things to do

Bali things to do 50

Bali was awarded its unparalleled natural beauty, after we explore the ocean under the Sea, now is the time to enjoy the indulgent view from above the Sea. Bali is not only a local or a tourist lure domestic tourists, but also luring foreign tourists so that they come again and again to Bali. For tourists, Bali is a haven of beauty reincarnation in the world. Or in other words, Bali is a paradise for nature panoramic world interesting and very beautiful.

About Pantunan Valley

One of the main attraction in Bali is Pantunan Valley area. This has advantages Pantunan valley rice fields are located right in the bottom of the small hill with the beauty that is difficult to cast into words and supposedly equally with beauty skinny-Tegallantang ( long rice field ) tour in Gianyar Bali. Because of its potential is what initially made ​​the local government plans to maximize the potential that significant amounts of revenue.

Is it Popular place in Bali ?

But unfortunately, until now it seems to just be a desperate hope that hangs in the sky as empty implementation. Pantunan valley was asked to stand and rely solely on its beauty without any serious attempt to provide facilities and or build it into a reliable attraction. As a result, many potential advantages it is only dormant what it is and of course also implies that the revenue from the tourism sector in the Valley Pantunan which is also what it is.


In terms of language, Pantunan it means "rice". So Pantunan Valley is a valley of rice tourist displays. Naturalness Pantunan Valley is apparently being extra allure for tourists so that they make the Valley Pantunan as favorites to visit. In addition to rice, in this valley location there are also several pieces of springs that have different functions. One is Sudamala springs that are commonly used by local communities for Pelukatan (self-cleaning).


Pantunan valley in the village of Bang Sidem, Tembuku District, Bangli regency, Bali.

Things To Do In Bali 7

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Jumat, 28 Juni 2013

Things To Do In Bali 7

7th Things To Do In Bali 

is visiting Besakih Temple 

Besakih Temple in General

Besakih temple for your next things to do in Bali. Besakih temple is the center of religious festivals for Hindus in Bali, therefore it is also called the mother temple in Bali. Besakih Temple is Bhuwana or its juice Padma world shaped lotus symbolized.
Besakih Temple is a temple complex located on the slopes of Mount Agung, which is the highest mountain in Bali, located exactly in the Besakih village, Rendang district of Karangasem regency, Bali.

How to get Besakih Temple

If you use a car or join any four wheels vehicles to the Besakih temple from the Airport will take approximately two – half hours drive to the east of Bali. Besakih temple’s area is vast, if you wish to explore more about this Besakih temple, you may have spent about 1 hour to get around in the area adjacent to the place. The attractions that located near the Besakih temple is famed site rafting, a water rafting that take place at Telaga Waja River. Including Besakih temple in your Bali Holidays plan is a must, because you will find a lot of Balinese people here wearing Hindus uniform and a lot of attraction like Barong dance, mask dance, puppet show and much more.


Design of Besakih Temple

Besakih Temple’s complex consists of one center is called Pura ( temple ) Penataran Agung Besakih and companion by 18 temples which is 1 Basukian temple and 17 Other  small temples. All Hindus especially in Bali, has a temple penyungsungan (praying place) called Pura Pedarman according to their dynasty, which is a heritage from generation to decline. Penataran Agung ( the greatest praying field ) is the largest temple in the complex of Besakih Temple, the temples  are much more than others, the ceremony also most in the region's Penataran Agung ( great field ). Here there are 3 main temples which are the sacred essence and symbolized the whole building in Besakih Temple. 

Padmasana-Tiga ( three ) is a symbol of God in accordance with the nature place of Tri Murti, namely Brahma the Creator god, Vishnu the Preserver god and Shiva as the fuser god. Besakih Temple comes from a very old age, because of the many megalithic relics, such as stone throne, pyramid patio structure found in the complex of Besakih Temple.

What we get in Besakih Temple ?

Visiting Besakih temple providing a strong spiritual feel,  completed with spread of the natural landscape of the height which make  it looks so beautiful. Especially if you get the Dark Temple occupies the top position in the temple complex. If you are a tourist and will pay a visit to the temple area, you must be accompanied by a guide / local guide, they set up a tour for a regional organization of Besakih area and for their services, will be charged extra about USD 5 – USD10, depending on the number of participants.

Things To Do In Bali 6

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Things To Do In Bali 6

6th Things To Do In Bali

is Visiting Bedugul Botanical Garden  

things to do in Bali 6

A perfect things to do in Bali is by visiting the nature tourism object of Eka Karya Botanical garden or well known as Bedugul botanican garden, Tabanan, Bali which is fully surrounded with Green trees, cool weather and completed with shouted birdsong brings a different atmosphere, when we enter the area Eka Karya Botanical Garden in Bedugul area Bali, Tabanan, Bali.

Location of Botanical Garden Bedugul

Located about 80 kilometers north of Denpasar, Bali Eka Karya Botanical Garden may be one option traveled. Located in upland wet or 1,240 meters above sea level, making Bedugul Botanical Garden has a unique and distinct compared to other botanical gardens.

things to do in Bali 6

With the cool air which is about 18-20 degrees Celsius, with trees dominated by  Pine and Palm, visitors will feel the freshness that is not found in the other attractions on the island.

Visitor of Botanical garden Bedugul

Visitors can enjoy a variety of species is a collection of botanical gardens. Currently, there are 2200 species of plants, or about 20,000 species spread over an area of ​​157.5 hectares. Among the collections of Begonia collection, orchids, Cactus, Palm, and other nail trees.

Quite simply spend IDR 7 thousand per person, visitors can freely along the botanical gardens in the village of Candi Kuning ( yellow temple ), Tabanan Baturiti. The air is fresh, the atmosphere is comfortable and beautiful, so I feel at ease here.

The man who took his wife enjoy the atmosphere of this botanical garden said, the atmosphere is presented is difficult finding a tourist attraction in the other tourist attractions in North Sumatra.

Bedugul Botanical garden is the most attractive tourists destination, it is evident from the high interest both within and outside the community of Bali including foreign tourists. Based on the record of the manager, known in one year, the number of visitors reached an average of 350 thousand people. Of these 10 thousand of whom were foreign tourists.

things to do in Bali 6

July 15 botanical garden founded in 1959, is the only work typical of the nation, because the other three botanical gardens in Cibodas, Bogor and Purwadadi, is a legacy of Dutch colonial rule.

Addition possessed distinctiveness, this botanical garden is also a pride for the citizens of Bali as one of the pioneering is native son named Bali I Made Parks, the initiator of the first President Soekarno of Indonesia Ir.

Exixtance of Botanical Garden in Bedugul

The existence of this botanical garden has four functions for conservation, research, education and tourism. Conservation is intended to preserve and develop the various species of plants such as begonia that has now been registered in Begonia Association of America in 2008.

For research purposes, this botanical garden is pretty much the object of other research scientists at home and abroad. Some foreign researchers came to the botanical gardens such as France, England, Brazil and other countries.

things to do in Bali

While the purpose of education, in this location there are plants that reach thousands of specimen collection and comes with a variety of services and facilities services that can be used by visitors. Tourist attractions Bedugul Botanical Garden is also as a natural laboratory.

Unfortunately, the natural beauty of Bedugul Botanical Garden, has not managed optimally. The proof of the whole area, only 70 percent are managed, the rest are still grows wild. Limited human resources, the budget constraint faced by the manager of the classics.

Things To Do In Bali 5


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Rabu, 26 Juni 2013

Things To Do In Bali 5

5th Things To Do In Bali 

  is visiting Kedaton Forest or Alas Kedaton 

Things To Do In Bali 5th

This 5th things to do in Bali, named Kedaton forest or Alas Kedaton is located in the Kukuh village about 4 miles from the town of Tabanan.  In the Kedaton forest there is a temple which has two very interesting uniqueness.

Location of Kedaton Forest 

Alas Kedaton located in the village of Marga Subdistrict Steady + 4 km from the town of Tabanan. Kukuh village is divided into 7 villages and 12 hamlets customs. Most of the villagers is like to cultivate the farm and the others time used to wrestle other sectors such as carpentry, servants or labourers.

Concept of Kedaton Temple

Things To Do In Bali 5th B

The temple of Kedaton having 4 entrances to access the temple is from the west side which is the main entrance of the North side, South East and from most of leading to the central courtyard. Unlike the other quasi in Bali if we comparing.

The Unique of Alas Kedaton 

Things To Do In Bali 5th C

The second uniqueness of the Kedaton temple is the internal yield of Kedaton, a part which is where most holy place is placed on lower level than the central courtyard and beyond. Alas kedaton or Kedaton forest shrine temple is surrounded by a forest inhabited by monkeys sacred by people around the Bali attractions. In Alas kedaton not only life in monkeys but also had a group of bats that live suspended.

Things To Do In Bali 5th D

Things To Do In Bali 4

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Selasa, 25 Juni 2013

Things To Do In Bali 4

4th Things To Do In Bali are Visiting 

1. Puncak Penulisan Temple 

Things to do in Bali 4

Location of Puncak Penulisan Temple

This 4th things to so in Bali is called Puncak Penulisan temple, located on the hill with a height of 1,745 meters above sea level  (ASL) Kintamani, Bangli regency. This temple is often referred to Pamojan temple Tegeh ata. The function is as a place for worship of Lord Shiva which is the manifestation of God Almighty. In it there are many relics Megalithic period until the entry of Hindu civilization to Bali.

Concept of Puncak Penulisan Temple

This temple has a high historical value and some of the uniqueness that makes it different from other temples that so many people who want to visit it. This form of temple building has two concepts that the first draft is taken from the pre-history of which can be seen clearly, especially of the structure of the multi-storey building. And the second is the development of the concept of the temple which reached 7 levels with the first and second levels connected by stairs.

things to do in bali 4 two

While in the 3rd level there is Taman Dana temple and Dana Temple, in the 4th level there are Ratu Panyarikan temple, 6th level there Ratu Daha tua temple, last in the peak-to-peak 7 is the temple there are shrines. Shrine of Pengaruman, Shrine of Piyasan and Shrine of gedong as a store of ancient object.

About making this temple is not clear, but based on some of the existing heritage estimated construction began in the year 300 AD (Bronze Age) and followed in the 10th century until the end of the rule of Majapahit in 1343 AD Most of the livelihoods of local people this temple is a farmer.

2. Bayung Gede Village

Bayung Gede village - good for Bali things to do

Things To Do in Bali 52

Bayung Gede village is including ancient villages in Bali which until now still preservedThis village is the ancestral cultural heritageThe village is located at an altitude of about 900 meters above sea level so that the air is coolVillagers who are here mostly rely on naturein the sense of a farmer who manages farmland adapted to arid climate there.

Why it is called Bayung Gede Village ?

Bayung Gede village then developed into a new tourist village circa 2010 agoRegarding the origin of the name of Gede Buyungthere is no definitive source that could explain the reason for naming it as validHoweveraccording to an expert Thomas A Reuters said Gede Bayung an ancient village which became the parent of a number of other ancient villages in Bangli like PenglipuranSekardadiBonyoh and some villages

Unique Tradition in Bayung Gede Village

Bayung Gede village has a unique tradition that occurred in this villageResidents who had just married banned from entering the yard and is not considered a resident of the village before paying tumbakan Bayung Gede (a type of dowryis handed over to the village in the form of two cowsand undergo asceticism (fasting). Brides are also required to conduct the procession Penyekeban ( wrapping ) lived in a small hut at the end of the village.

Not only thatBayung Gede village also has a unique tradition in terms of burying the placenta (umbilical cord) newborns baby. The newborns who has umbilical cord is usually planted into the groundin the village was placed in coconut shells and hung in a tree at the grave / tomb specifically located behind the village and put the traditions of the placenta in the coconut shell has been done for 100 years ago.


Gede Bayung ancient village location is  in the Kintamani districtBangli RegencyBali Province, Indonesia.
hings to do in Bali 5

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Things To Do In Bali 3

3rd Things To Do In Bali  are Visiting 

1. Bangli King's Garden 

Things to do in Bali 56

Location of Bangli King's Garden

Talking about this third things to do in Bali, Bangli King’s garden is located in the village of Bangli King’s garden, Bangli a distance of about 5 kilo meters from the center of government of Bangli. This attraction is an alternative attraction Kehen spiritual temple which is located in the heart of Bangli. Although until now the existence of this Bali King’s garden seem abandoned, but the attractions that have historical value and beauty is worth a visit.

At this location the visitor can witness the natural beauty of rural expanse of rice fields. In addition to the on-site visitors can also enjoy the beauty of the pool is on site which are believed to be relics of the reigning monarch at the time. Looking at the position of the building clearly appears that the region associated with the presence of the castle that may serve as the location of the king.

Facilities in Bangli King's Garden

Pool contained in Bali King’s garden have in common with the existing pool at Tirta Gangga Karangasem. In the eastern part of the pool stands a building that resembles a blank bale. This condition causes Bali King’s garden looked elegant when seen from a distance.

Unfortunately, despite having beauty and historical remarks are priceless, the presence of the Bali King’s garden still get a touch of the parties concerned. Despite efforts made Bangli regency arrangement, but the arrangement is not as extensive as other attractions that exist in Bangli regency.

1. Batur Hot Spring 

Batur Hot Spring - good for Bali things to do

Things to do in Bali 53

Batur natural hot spring is located in a mountainous area Toyabungkah, Batur villageBangli Regency. This tourist attraction is about 80 kilometers from Denpasar city.
In the holiday season, this hot spring is always crowded with tourists both domestic and foreign tourists. In this place the tourists can bath in a natural hot springs pool, which is sourced from Mount Batur.

What will you get here ?

In this place, tourists can feel the sensation of a shower of hot water with a temperature 38-39 degrees Celsius. In addition to refreshing the body and mind, a hot shower at this place is also believed efficacious for the treatment of any diseases, especially for skin diseases.

Where is it comes from ?

The hot water in this place comes from Mount Batur, which is about 7 feet below the ground. Usually, visitors who come to hike out here is for a hot water shower. But, for the local people here is used to treatment and clean up the body from negative energy as said by Nyoman Boarding, Operations Director of Batur Natural Hot Spring.

Batur natural hot spring on mountain Batur is a community-run tourist attraction Pekraman Batur village of Bangli regency. To get into these place, domestic tourists charged entrance fee of USD $6 while foreign tourists charged entrance fee of USD $12. Both of the above additional charge will be used by the government to keep & build additional the facilities.

Things to do in Bali 2
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Things To Do In Bali 2

2nd Things to do in Bali are Visiting

1. Mount Batur

Things to do in Bali 55

One more things to do in Bali As with Mount Agung which is located in Karangasem, potential and beauty of Mount Batur is not less interesting. In fact, exoticism and beauty of Mount Batur make this mountain is one of the main attractions in Bangli regency. Mount Batur is very beautiful when seen in the morning because in addition to the air is still cool, travelers will also be demonstrated by the decrease haze that covered most of the top of Mount Batur.

Story of Mount Batur

Every natural attractions (without interference from human hands) is almost certainly always attached to the it's history. Interesting to find out because it always contains a mystical mystery. Sometimes also peppered with tales of absurd if logically illogical and use science. But precisely therein lies its appeal.

Once, Mount Batur which is contained in the story Papyrus Susana Bali, mentioned is the peak of Mount Mahameru displaced by Batara Pasupati to be place of Goddess Danuh (Palace of the Goddess Danu). And so, by the majority of the local community of Mount Batur is considered to have magical powers with a strong magical element. Thus, at any given time all the Hindus who came from various regions in Bali came to Mount Batur is to deliver to Suwinih (sort of ritual offerings) to avoid the pest catastrophe that struck their fields.

Favorite Location

At each attraction must always be a favorite area visitors are often explored to increase tourist traffic visiting. Well, at Mount Batur itself has several areas that enjoy the mountain crater, caldera, and lakes that we know as Lake Batur. What is interesting is no water flow in soil that drains water to the various areas of Lake Batur in Bali so it appears to be spring and called the Holy Tirta.

Things to do in Bali 2B

Mount Batur own location adjacent to Lake Batur which can be taken approximately 1 hour drive from the capital Denpasar. If you come in the morning, then certainly the visitors but can see and feel the atmosphere of Mount Batur is very natural and cool, also can explore the whole area is a favorite for tourists, including the Lake Batur is located at the foot of the mountain.

2. Batur Temple

Batur Temple - good for Bali things to do

Things to do in Bali 54

Batur temple higher referred to as Pura Ulun Celtic deity is found at Associate in Nursing altitude of 900 meter higher than water level exactly within the village of Kintamani District Kalanganyar East of route Denpasar-Singaraja.

This temple is facing west with a backcloth of Mount Batur and Lake Batur black volcanic rock that stretched away within the foothills of Mount Batur, enhances the natural beauty round the temple.

Prior to the present location, Batur temple is found on the slopes of Mount Batur Southwest. as a result of the ruinous eruption in 1917 that destroyed everything, as well as this temple except a supreme shrines. Finally because of the initiative of the top of the village with village leaders, they carry shrines still intact and reconstruction Batur temple to position higher at the present location. The ceremony during this temple is well known each year is termed Ngusaba Kedasa.


Before the ruinous eruption of Mount Batur in 1917, Batur temple was originally situated at the foot of the mountain close to the Southwest fringe of Lake Batur that broken sixty five,000 homes, 2,500 temples and quite m lives. however the magic stopped at the foot of the Temple. individuals see all this as a decent sign and continued  to remain there. In 1926 a replacement eruption lined the complete temple except the best "Pelinggih" or temple, worship place of God within the embodiment of the divinity Celtic deity, divinity of the lake water. Then the villagers insisted to place in situ higher tusag and start to build their temple. They brought shrines still intact and reconstruction Batur temple.

Some sacred manuscripts recount the origins of the traditional language Batur temple, that is an element of the "sad heaven" six teams of temples in island square measure recorded in Literature Widhi palm, papyrus and Babad Pasek Purana Raja Kayu Selem. Batur temple is additionally declared as "Kayangan Jagat" which followed by the final public.

History of Batur temple is Associate in Nursing providing to the divinity of Fertility, divinity Celtic deity. She is that the divinity of the lake water. Mineral-rich water flows from Lake Batur, flowing from one rice field to the opposite rice terraces, step by step all the way down to earth. In Business ejection island, one amongst the sacred literature that was placed within the temple, there's Associate in Nursing ancient legend that describes the composition of the throne of the divinity Celtic deity.

The legend of Batur temple is told as follows:

On one night at the start of the fifth month Margasari Pasupati Gods (Shiva) move atop Mount Mahameru in Republic of India and divide it into 2 components. She took a bit along with his along with. Therefore the different with his hand. each components were delivered to the throne. components of that were taken by his hand into Mount Agung throne to his son, Lord Putranjaya (Mahadeva Shiva) and together with his manus he carried into Mount Batur throne of Dewi Celtic deity, divinity of Water Lake. The legend makes the largest mountain in island and 2 symbolic components"men and women" (Purasa and Pradana) or 2 manifestations of the origin of the source God (Ida American ginseng Hyang Widhi Wasa).

Identification and Attractiveness

Name sights Batur region tailored to the prevailing potential of Mount Batur and Lake Batur. The name comes from the name Batur temple Mount Batur is one temple unhappy Goda in Emong by the Batur villagers, Thanks to harm caused by the eruption of Mount Batur, the Batur temple with villagers affected in situ currently. Remnants of frozen volcanic rock black, erect lofty Mount Batur, Lake Batur shaded blue, is Associate in Nursing attraction for each traveller. Penelokan will see the blue of Lake Batur and therefore the surf bubbles that accompany the driving force force over once the boat general serving tourists and passengers in each crossing from village to village Kedisan Trunyan. The fishermen conjointly coloring activities within the Lake Batur that fish genus fish catch oversubscribed within the town of Bangli, thus in Bangli referred to as satay Mujairnya ( native Fish name ) that is typical food Bangli regency.

Location of BATUR TEMPLE

Tourism object is found within the village of Batur, Kintamani District Bangli regency. Sights Batur space at Associate in Nursing altitude of 900 m higher than water level with the air temperature is high at midday, the air cool and cold at midnight. to achieve this location from Bangli Capital twenty three miles away. These attractions may be traversed by vehicles, as a result of this location connects the city of Bangli and Singaraja town. whereas these objects, connecting objects with Object Region business enterprise Travel Tampaksiring Batur and Besakih.

Facilities in BATUR TEMPLE

In the Batur space attractions already out there parking, restaurant, open air, lodging, restrooms, kiosks, stalls and refreshments and snacks. concerning conveyance facilities and ferry transport is on the market.


Regions Batur traveller attraction visited by tourists and therefore the solid ground. the foremost distinguished visit around August, September, whereas hospitable the year and a replacement Year mood. Similarly, within the days of Galungan, Eid and yuletide Day, even frequented by guests each from the central and state guests from abroad.

Description of BATUR TEMPLE

Sources mention regarding Papyrus Kesmu Batur is god. Papyrus of Usana island and king of Purana Batur. Batur temple mentioned that has existed since the time of the faculty member Kuturan the X century till the start of the XI century. Region extent and variety of shrines-pelinggih ( temple ) it's calculable that the Batur temple Penyiwi kings World Health Organization dominated in island, furthermore as a Goda Jagat. 

At Batur temple is that the divinity Celtic deity placed mentioned in Papyrus Usana island that interprets as follows: it's the story, occurred in Marga saree (month to V) once avatar Forced (Tilem) told  Betara Pasupati in Republic of India square measure transferring the summit of Mount Maha Meru divided into 2, command with the manus and right then delivered to island used as sthana Son he's Betara Putrajaya (Hyang nice God) and therefore the mountain peaks that brought his manus into Mount Batur as sthana Danuh divinity, each as head that island island. 

This mountain may be a image of the second component of Purusa and American ginseng Hyang Pradana Widhi. Batur temple may be a place of worship of Hindus in island Central island particularly, the North East and begged safety in paddy fields. in order that once revere guardian World Health Organization falls in Purnamaning ( full month ) to 10 (kedasa) of all the individuals, particularly on all the Subak's leader, Sedahan-Sedahan ( ministry ) come back to Batur temple deliver to "Suwinih". Similarly, if a disaster happens pests.

Things to do in Bali 1


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