Jumat, 28 Juni 2013

Things To Do In Bali 6

6th Things To Do In Bali

is Visiting Bedugul Botanical Garden  

things to do in Bali 6

A perfect things to do in Bali is by visiting the nature tourism object of Eka Karya Botanical garden or well known as Bedugul botanican garden, Tabanan, Bali which is fully surrounded with Green trees, cool weather and completed with shouted birdsong brings a different atmosphere, when we enter the area Eka Karya Botanical Garden in Bedugul area Bali, Tabanan, Bali.

Location of Botanical Garden Bedugul

Located about 80 kilometers north of Denpasar, Bali Eka Karya Botanical Garden may be one option traveled. Located in upland wet or 1,240 meters above sea level, making Bedugul Botanical Garden has a unique and distinct compared to other botanical gardens.

things to do in Bali 6

With the cool air which is about 18-20 degrees Celsius, with trees dominated by  Pine and Palm, visitors will feel the freshness that is not found in the other attractions on the island.

Visitor of Botanical garden Bedugul

Visitors can enjoy a variety of species is a collection of botanical gardens. Currently, there are 2200 species of plants, or about 20,000 species spread over an area of ​​157.5 hectares. Among the collections of Begonia collection, orchids, Cactus, Palm, and other nail trees.

Quite simply spend IDR 7 thousand per person, visitors can freely along the botanical gardens in the village of Candi Kuning ( yellow temple ), Tabanan Baturiti. The air is fresh, the atmosphere is comfortable and beautiful, so I feel at ease here.

The man who took his wife enjoy the atmosphere of this botanical garden said, the atmosphere is presented is difficult finding a tourist attraction in the other tourist attractions in North Sumatra.

Bedugul Botanical garden is the most attractive tourists destination, it is evident from the high interest both within and outside the community of Bali including foreign tourists. Based on the record of the manager, known in one year, the number of visitors reached an average of 350 thousand people. Of these 10 thousand of whom were foreign tourists.

things to do in Bali 6

July 15 botanical garden founded in 1959, is the only work typical of the nation, because the other three botanical gardens in Cibodas, Bogor and Purwadadi, is a legacy of Dutch colonial rule.

Addition possessed distinctiveness, this botanical garden is also a pride for the citizens of Bali as one of the pioneering is native son named Bali I Made Parks, the initiator of the first President Soekarno of Indonesia Ir.

Exixtance of Botanical Garden in Bedugul

The existence of this botanical garden has four functions for conservation, research, education and tourism. Conservation is intended to preserve and develop the various species of plants such as begonia that has now been registered in Begonia Association of America in 2008.

For research purposes, this botanical garden is pretty much the object of other research scientists at home and abroad. Some foreign researchers came to the botanical gardens such as France, England, Brazil and other countries.

things to do in Bali

While the purpose of education, in this location there are plants that reach thousands of specimen collection and comes with a variety of services and facilities services that can be used by visitors. Tourist attractions Bedugul Botanical Garden is also as a natural laboratory.

Unfortunately, the natural beauty of Bedugul Botanical Garden, has not managed optimally. The proof of the whole area, only 70 percent are managed, the rest are still grows wild. Limited human resources, the budget constraint faced by the manager of the classics.

Things To Do In Bali 5


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Wish to see you soon in BALI.....!

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